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Klebsiella pneumoniae, Flavobacterium meningosepticum, Citrobacter freundii, Escherichia
coli ¼øÀ̾ú´Ù. ȯÀÚÀÇ ¿¬·ÉÀ̳ª ÁúȯÀÇ Á¾·ù, ½Ã¼ú ÀüÀÇ ¹ß¿­ À¯¹« µîÀº ½Ã¼ú ÈÄÀÇ ¹ß¿­°ú
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Background/Aims : Fever and cholangitis can be serious complications after endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCF). The risk factors of these complications and
the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics are not clearly verified yet. In this study, we
investigated the frequency, risk factors, pathogens of the fever after ERCP, and
evaluated the effect of prophylactic antibiotics. Methods : Retrospective analysis was
performed on 674 patients who underwent ERCP between 1996 and 1999. Results : Fever
after ERCP occurred in 68 of 674 cases (10.1%). Twenty-six kinds of bacteria were
isolated in 23 of 68 febrile cases (33.8%). Fever occurred more frequently in patients
(33.4%) in whom therapeutic ERCP failed to remove common bile duct (CBD) stones or
to drain obstructed bile duct than in patients (7.3%) with effective drainage (p<0.001).
Therapeutic procedure after ERCP caused fever more frequently (16.7%) than diagnostic
ERCP only (4.2%)(p=0.03). Moreover, fever was also developed frequently after
endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage (ERBD). Prophylactic administration of more than
2 kinds of antibiotics can reduce the rate of fever occurrence after ERCP. Conclusions :
Therapeutic ERCP procedures especially after ERBD or unsuccessful biliary drainage
were the high risk factors for fever after ERCP. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment using
more than two kinds of antibiotics can reduce the incidence of the fever after ERCP.


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