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À§¼±Á¾°ú À§¼±¾Ï¿¡¼­ Bcl-xL ´Ü¹éÀÇ ¹ßÇö Bcl-xL Protein Expression in Gastric Adenoma and Adenocarcinoma

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Backgroud/Aims: Apoptosis is necessary to appropriately delete cells during organ development, and serves as a protector against malignant transformation by removing damaged or mutated cells. Recently, Bcl-x has been cloned as a bcl-2-related
human, the Bcl-x gene encodes 2 proteins, a long form (Bcl-xL) and a short form (Bcl-xS), through an alternative splicing mechanism. The Bcl-xL protein inhibits apoptosis as effectively as Bcl-2 protein. The aim of this study was to investigate
immunohistochemical expression of Bcl-xL protein in the gastric adenoma and gastric adenocarcinoma. Methods: Immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal Bcl-xL antibody was performed on paraffin-embeded specimens obtained from 23 gastric
43 gastric adenomcarcinomas. Results: When compared to the intensity observed in adjacent normal mucosal epithelial cells, immunostaining of Bcl-xL was observed in 22 of 23 (96%) adenomas, all of 13 (100%) early adenocarcinomas, and 19 of 30
advanced adenocarcinomas. In gastric adenocarcinoma, Bcl-xL expression was observed in 24 of 28 (85.7%) intestinal type-adenocarcinomas and 8 of 15 (53.3%) diffuse type-adenocarcinomas. No correlation was observed between Bcl-xL expression and
stage. Conclusions: The Bcl-xL expression would be involved in the early phase of gastric carcinogenesis, but not in tumor progression.


Bcl-xL; À§¼±Á¾; À§¼±¾Ï; xL; Gastirc adenocarcinoma; Gastric adenoma;

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