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Çѱ¹¿¡¼­ÀÇ ±Ë¾ç¼º ´ëÀå¿°ÀÇ °¡Á· ³» ¹ß»ý·ü Familial Occurrence of Ulcerative Colitis in Korea

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Background/Aims: Although familial aggregation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been reported in Western countries, there are no data about familial occurrence of IBD in Korea. The aims of the present study were to determine the rate of
history and relative risk of ulcerative colitis in first-degree relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis in Korea, and to evaluate clinical characteristics of patients with ulcerative colitis having family history of ulcerative colitis in
first-degree relatives. Methods: Of 473 ulcerative colitis patients registered at Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic of Asan Medical Center, family history of ulcerative colitis and pedigree were taken from 308 patients. Results: Of the 308
five patients (1.6%) had a positive family history of ulcerative colitis in first-degree relatives. Relative risk of ulcerative colitis in first-degree relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis was 25. Of the five ulcerative colitis patients
family history of ulcerative colitis, three cases occurred between siblings, and two cases occurred in parent-child relationship. Conclusions: The rate of family history of ulcerative colitis in Korea is lower than that of Western countries.
the relative risk of ulcerative colitis in first-degree relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis in Korea is similar to that in Western countries.


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