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°£¼¼Æ÷ Àå±â º¸Á¸À» À§ÇÑ ÀûÁ¤ ³Ãµ¿º¸Á¸¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸-¥± Cryopreservation of Rat Hepatocytes for the Use of Primary Culture

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Background/Aims:The cryopreservation of primary hepatocytes could avoid unnecessary isolation of hepatocytes and supply them on demand. We compared two programs of computer-controlled freezing methods on the efficacy of hepatocyte cryopreservation.

Methods: Rat hepatocytes were cryopreserved by computer-controlled freezing methods. In program I, the overall cooling rate was 1.33¡É/min and single-step shock cooling was used to reduce the latent heat of fusion. In program
II, the cooling rate of 2¡É/min and two-step shock cooling were used. Two programs were compared in regard to hepatocyte viability and long-term cryopreservation and thawing temperature were also evaluated.

Results: The hepatocyte viability showed the highest value of 74.5¡¾2.5% when cryopreserved using the program II and at 2¡¿106/§¢ cell concentration in cryopreservation medium. The hepatocyte attachment rate on culture was similar in every occasion, more or less 50%. The hepatocyte viability was improved by 10% when thawed at 40¡É, compared to the value at 37¡É in the program I. The hepatocyte viability was decreased to 38.2¡¾5.5% in the program I and 45.4¡¾1.6% in the program II after long-term cryopreservation.

Conclusion: The program II showed better survival of hepatocytes at 2¡¿106/§¢ cell concentration. However, overall efficacy of hepatocyte cryopreservation was less than 35% and decreased more after long-term cryopreservation. Further studies are needed to develop a more effective program for hepatocyte cryopreservation.


°£¼¼Æ÷; ³Ãµ¿º¸Á¸; Computer-programmable freezing; Cryopreservation; Hepatocytes; Computer-prgrammable freezing;

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