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±³À°À§¿øȸ ü°è ¸¸µé±â How to Establish the Role of the Education Board in the Korean Society of Gastroenterology

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±âÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 73±Ç 2È£ p.63 ~ 65
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The Education Board of Korean Society of Gastroenterology (KSG) has three missions: 1) to meet the needs of KSG members, 2) to provide educational opportunities for future members (fellows), and 3) to train world-class experts using latest knowledge. To achieve these objectives, the ¡®Education Board¡¯: 1) updates guidelines and provides academic information to KSG members, 2) provides quality education and training for gastroenterology fellows, and 3) offers opportunities to young gastroenterologists to participate in overseas training programs, such as the American Gastroenterology Association, Clinical Observation and Research Education program.


Gastroenterology; Education; Fellowship; Training; Mission

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