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ÀÏÂ÷ ºÀÇÕ¼úÀÌ ½ÇÆÐÇÑ Boerhaave ÁõÈıº¿¡¼­ÀÇ ³»½Ã°æÇÏ Endoluminal Vacuum Ä¡·á 1¿¹ Successful Treatment Using Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy after Failure of Primary Closure in Boerhaave Syndrome

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±âÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 73±Ç 4È£ p.219 ~ 224
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µµ¿µ¿ì ( Do Young-Woo ) 
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Á¶ÁØ¿ë ( Cho Joon-Yong ) 
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±èÀº¼ö ( Kim Eun-Soo ) 
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ÀÌ´öÇö ( Lee Deok-Heon ) 
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Boerhaave syndrome is a transmural perforation of the esophagus and typically occurs after forceful emesis. Boerhaave syndrome is a destructive disease with a high mortality rate, though surgical intervention within 24 hours has a beneficial effect. On the other hand, late surgical intervention is associated with poorer prognoses. Several therapeutic strategies, ranging from medical to surgical management, are available for Boerhaave syndrome. Recently, endoscopic endoluminal vacuum therapy (EVT) was introduced as a treatment option. Here, we report the case of a 56-year-old male patient with Boerhaave syndrome who was successfully treated by EVT after primary closure failure. The patient recovered without complication.


Esophageal perforation; Endoscopy; Vacuum assisted therapy

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