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´ãµµ¼±¼¶À¯Á¾ÀÇ ÀÚ±â°ø¸í¿µ»ó ¼Ò°ß Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Biliary Adenofibroma

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±âÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 74±Ç 6È£ p.356 ~ 361
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À̼±¿µ ( Lee Sun-Young ) 
¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼¼ºê¶õ½ºº´¿ø ¿µ»óÀÇÇаú

±è°æ¿ø ( Kim Kyung-Won ) 
¿ï»ê´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼­¿ï¾Æ»êº´¿ø ¿µ»óÀÇÇаú
Á¤¿ì°æ ( Jeong Woo-Kyoung ) 
¼º±Õ°ü´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ »ï¼º¼­¿ïº´¿ø ¿µ»óÀÇÇаú
À¯Àº½Ç ( Yu Eun-Sil ) 
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Àå±âÅà( Jang Kee-Taek ) 
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Biliary adenofibroma is a rare tumor with a bile duct origin characterized by a complex tubulocystic non-mucin secreting biliary epithelium with abundant fibrous stroma. The MRI features of biliary adenofibroma are not well established. The authors encountered two patients with biliary adenofibroma and reviewed the literature focusing on the MRI findings. A well-circumscribed multicystic tumor with septal enhancement and no intrahepatic bile duct communication may be the characteristic MRI findings of biliary adenofibroma.


Bile ducts; Adenofibroma; Magnetic resonance imaging

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