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çÈåÞùÊ㧿¡ À־ Ï°Ùþß¾ÀÇ ÊÎàï Passive Voice¸¦ ñéãýÀ¸·Î Syntactical Interference in Learning English With the Emphasis on the Passive Voice

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1974³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.5 ~ 42
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This report deals with the structurai interference expected in learning English in high school with the emphasis on the passive voice of Korean and English. The testing method to find the interference is to let students translate the Korean passive sentences, which are considered the regular pzssive in Korean, and which are thought to be the passive in meaning, etc. into English.
The basic work is made up of the nature of interferenee and the relation between the interference and the contrastive analysis, and the pedagogically methodologica contrastive analysis of Korean and English passive voice and the making the test items.
Also the students are divided into two groups. One has karned Korean and the other has not English on the basis of thr: contrastive analysis before the test, learned. The results in testing the items are concluded:
1. When Korean and English are of the same passive voice, the interference is decreased, while it is increased when they are not of the same passive voice, and the interferences by the other interfering causes occur at the same time also.
2. When they are of the same structure, the interfernce by having acquired the similar structure in English itszlf intervenes much more than when they are not.
3. There appears to be little difference between the two ,groups when they have learned the same structure. But when they have not Iearned the same structure, the former group shows the interference by the passive expression more strikingly. Moreover the latter group shows interference in a lesser proportion than the former. The proportion of the interference by the passive expression of the former is much higher than that of the interferences by other causes. When the students learn the passive voice on the basis of contrastive analysis of both languages, the learning before the test is not as good as we have expected, in so far as the teacher does not point out the case in which the Korean intransitive verbs with passivity appear like the passive voice and the case in which English with the copula is expressed to be the passive voice in Korean.


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