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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1974³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.101 ~ 107
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Cathodic corrosion in chromium plating baths was measured with several metales, such as iron, copper, bright nickel plating brass and non-bright nickel plating brass in the cases of various concentrations of catalytic anions and of various temperatures.
The corrosion test of each metal was observed with the two viewpoints. One was chemical corrosion by maceration. The Other was electro-chemical corrosion in electrolysting.
The test solutions were the aqueous solution containing sulfuric acid and the aqueons solution containing silicofluoric acid in CrO©ý 250g/l.
The results obtained were the following;
1) Copper was more corroded remarkably than other metals in non-electrolysting.
2) The corrosion velocities of each metal were increased with the increased concentration of catalytic anions and temperature.
3) Bright nickel were tends to corroded more than non-bright nickel.
4) Copper was more corroded than other metals in the bath containing sulfuric acid.
5) Iron was more corroded than other metals in the bath containing silicofluoric acid.
6) The current of low-current densitys parts of cathod in chromium plating ought to be at least more high level potential than potential of hydrogen evolation.


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