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¥°. The analysis of the normal diets for patient and staff members of three Hospital is studied as followings.
According to the five basic food groups such as Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats Minerals and Vitamins.
The carbohydrates is taken as the Main food staff, and egg is substituted as the food which is taken by the animal.
¥±. The Groups feeding diets of two Middle school students who Major is the Phyical Education is studied.
The Data is compared of the standard which is diets; "Suk-Ha" presented.
a) In the Main food and desert, amount of the calorie is adviseable to feed as a total for a week, but is not adviseable for a day unit.
B) In general, the proper amount of the Protein for feeding is not taken, but insted of it is substituted for others.
¥². Consequently, Patients and gymnasium students do not take the proper amount of protein.


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