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¥°. Through this survey, For the reasonable conditions the kitchen convences with modern housing and the kitchen aspects of Gwangju city middIe-class-people are studied as following:
a. It is advisable that the direction of the kitchen in House is good to face east or south-east.
b. The kitchen must be occupied from 10% to 15% in total area of floor space. The kitchen average size (6.6-10m©÷) is large enough. The corner of the house is the best location, because of it is-able to have two outer walls for light apd freshness.
c. For freshness, one or one more ,ventilator in a kitchen must be adequate.
d. For receiving sun light, the wideth of window must be increased.
e. The kitchen illumination is enough to take in lighting over 40 Watt.
¥±. It is reasonable to build a work-table in the kitchen that is preparing-sink-cooking-range-excreting-dinning room. The fabric type of kitchen contains four shapes: the strip, corridor, L-shaped, and U-shaped kitchen.
¥². For interior materials for kitchen decoration, it is necessary to choose good quality tile for floor, clear-light-painted wall, water and fire preventing material for ceiling. The sink must be made of porcelain or stainless steel. The proper height of sink should be about 75-80cm from the bottom of the floor.
¥³. Through this survey, it is sure that the kitchen decoration is unreasonable one.


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