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îïÑõò¢Û°ÀÇ ÒÜõ½°ú Ô´ã¼ìÑÀÇ ½ÄÀ̱¸¼º¿¡ μÇÑ ÝïÎò æÚϼ Studies on Diets of Rural and Urban of Jeonnam Area

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1975³â 2±Ç 1È£ p.70 ~ 86
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Á¤¿µÈñ/Chung YH ³²Çö±Ù/Nam HK


In order to know the Diets of Urban and Rural of Jeonnam Area, Nutrition survey carried out through two years.
1) In urban area, average intake of the 1, 2, 3, food-stuff groups per day is 969.66 gr(1974), 1,058.16 gr(1975).
2) In rural area, average intake of the 1, 2, 3, food-stuff groups per adult per day is 1,003.12 gr (1974), 949.70 gr (1975).
3) In urban area, Average intake of Nutritional elements per adult per day 433.88 gr(1974), 490.04 gr(1975), and in rural area, 604.41 gr(%974), 568,87 gr(1975).
4) Average Calorie distribution of the Nutritional elements per adult per day is 12.51% (Protein), 7.46% (Fat), 80.03% (Carbohydrates) in 1974 and 12.31% (Protein), 13.49%(Fats), 74.19% (Carbohydrates) in 1975 for the urban area.
5) In the rural area average, Calorie distribution per adult per day is 11.12% (potein), 5.37% (Fats), 83.61% (Carbohydrates), in 1974 and 11.44% (Protein), 9.83% (Fats), 78.73% (Carbohydrates) in 1975.
6) In the urban, ratio the animal protein per total protein intake is 30.29% in 1974, and 34.13% in the rural, 16.8% (1974), 15.26% (1975) average intake per adult per day respetively.
7) In aspect of Calorie: In the urban area, intaked Calorie is 2,525. 87 Cal in 1974, 2,533.05 Cal in 1975: In the rural area, intaked Calorie is 2,569.18 Cal in 1974, 2,45 0.82 Cal in. 1974.
8) In aspect of inorganic material, in the urban, amount of Ca intake is 569.97mg in 1974, 576.83 mg in 1975: in the rural, amount of Ca intake is 325.01 mg in 1975,385.84 mg in 1975.
9) In the urban, Fe intaked is 16:12mg in 1974, 12.74mg in 1975, In the rural, 7.26mg in 1974, 9.73mg in 1975.


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