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°¡Á·°èȹÀ» À§ÇÑ Billing¢¥s method º¸±ÞÈÄ ¹ÝÀÀÁ¶»ç A Study on the Response of Billing¢¥s Method for Family Planning

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1975³â 2±Ç 1È£ p.100 ~ 108
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°í¸í¼÷ ( Koh Myeung-Sook ) 
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A study on the response of Billing¢¥s Method for family ,planning was carried out from Jan., to Mar., 1975.
The data was obtained from 100 expectent women and their husband who used the Billing¢¥s Method of 6 months to 1 year.
1) The reasons for wanting family planning are economic (67%), control age gap among sublings(25%), mother¢¥s health (6%), in order to limit the number of children they will have (desirable number of children(2.79), average number of children(3.03) and to avoid the danger of artificial abortion.
2) Percentage of previous family planning methods used (rhythm method 12%, oral poll 10%, loop 5%, coitus interuptus 2% and combination of methods 18%)
3) The reason that previous family planning was not used continiously were;
a. oral pill and loop had undesirable side effects. (oral pill 95%, loop 80%)
b. rhythm method was unreliable.
c. coitus interuptus and condom were unacceptable to couples.
4) most couples(90%) learned about the Billing¢¥s Method from family planning center at St. Columban¢¥s hospital.
5) 82% of the couples used Billing s Methods immediately.
6) After hearing about Billing¢¥s Method, 53% of the couples felt it was a good method, 24% of the couples feit it was a difficult method, 23% of the couples had tio strong opinion.
7 ) The resulting advantage of Billing s Method were no side effects(64%) and no expense(26%)
8) The resulting disadvantage of Billing s Method were
a) 36% of the couples said their were no disadvantage.
b) 34% of the couples found daily observation and recording inconvient.
c) 20% of the couples found that it was difficult to know ovulation period.
d) 10% of the couples found it have a psychological burden.
9) For 1% of the couples, the method failed.


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