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Àü³²Áö¹æÀÇ ´Üü±Þ½Ä¼ÒÀÇ ½ÄÀ̱¸¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A study on the Diets of the Group-feeding Institutes in Jeonnam Area.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 14
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Á¤¿µÈñ/Chung YH ³²Çö±Ù/Nam HK


In order to know the Diets of the Group-feeding Institutes of Jeonnam area, nutrition survey was carried out. The results are
¨ç Most of the Group-feeding Institutes of Jeonnam area do not employ Dietetic, even though, they have to employ, .
¨è In the Group-feeding diets of Jeonnam Gymnasium Senior High School student, Average intake calorie per day is 4, 379.2Cal. and the ratio of animal protein per total protein(173.9gr)intakeis33%.
¨é For College girls, Average calorie intake per day is 2,082.32Cal, and the ratio of animal protein per total protein(114.10gr)is 26.56%
¨ê For College boys. Average calorie intake per day is 2, 361.37Cal. ¢¥and the ratio of animal protein per total protein(116.84gr)is 19.43%.
¨ë For the Heavy Labour of Jeonnam area, Avereage calorie intake per day is 2, 588.88Cal, 3,495.2lCal., and 3,936.. 51 Cal. respectively and the ratio of animal protein per total protein(144.75gr,232.07 gr, and 2l4.68gr)is 37.45%, 44. 84%, and 34. 66% respectively.


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