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Ê«ïÔùÊÀÇ àõÌ«°ú ùÛÏÐ Ê«ïÔΡ ÎçëÀÀÇ ÞÈîÜÍÅóÌ A Historical Review on Home Economics Education and Domestic Science Character in Korea

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.73 ~ 84
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Á¶°æÈñ ( Cho-Kyung-Hee ) 
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(1) Domestic science has to expand for home life and life in accordance with the subject of research, which placed position on the synthetic science which maintains the length or breadth connection of the sphere of domestic science and various basic sciences with culture, society nature, etc.
(2) There must be effective construction of a curriculum for the sphere of domestic science with various science, art, culture and specially education.
(3) The changing status of women, from the home to equality of the sexes, from subordination which was influenced by women liberation in advanced nations.
(4) At the prinirctine age, the people got a blood-relation marriage it was mixed merriage-in the group life,
(5) The large family system was achieved according to the changes of the times and social situation and .the family become the kernel of-advancing civilized society.
(6) Woman¢¥s, status was suppressed as CHIL-KE-CI~AKand three degress of dependence abserued by a woman in the home. After unification SINLA, in the. KORYO Period, the CHOSUN dynasty period, at that time assumed the helm of state for worship of Confucianism and then changed family system.
(7) From the time of the Liberation to the present there are great cries for equality of the sezes, a gradual improvement in the position Of woman and also the sole of woman.
(8) In relation to our nations, dometsic science, the rise of modern education for women was accomplished by a deep-rooted respect for Confucianism before the Korea-Japanese union.
(9) As the Japanese used colonization as an instruement for world domination, under their domination the true meaning of domestic science education could.not be achieved.
(10) After 1955 we had active interchange with foreign scholars, student¢¥s going abroad with a desire for research, growth to. domestic college status, establishment of more subjects for each sphere of domestic science, increase in population of domestic science etc. This was greatly influenced by the United States and accomplished progress to the present day.


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