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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.85 ~ 135
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±èÁß±¤ ( Kim Joong Kwang ) 
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This survey was practised for the analysis of the factors affecting the consumer¢¥s buying behaviors by mass media advertising. Five hundred and seventy citizens were randomly selected in Seoul and Gwangju. The refrigerator, one of our daily necessaries which sales competition was keen and severe, became an object of scientific study for the purpose of collecting the significant data.
The contents of this survey are summarized as follows :
(1) the reason of purchasing of the refrigerator
(2) the appreciation of advertising media
(3) the critical reason of purchasing of the refrigerator
(4) the contact frequencies of the sales advertising
(5) wanting space while, inserting and. advertisement in a newspaper
(6) wanting CM of the electric wave media
The above mentioned items were analyzed to look for the differences and common factors according to the consumer¢¥s occupation, address, scholarship, blood type, sex, and age. This analysis results in;
(1) The order of the refrigerator¢¥s sales advertising through the mass media affecting lie consumer¢¥s buying behaviors are advertising of TV .newspaper, radio and magazine.
(2) The expression of the refrigerator¢¥s sales advertising by the full explanation just lie seeing the real refrigerator is the critical reason that the consumers purchase the refrigerator.
(3) Sales advertising must be made for the consumer, not for the advertiser or advertising itself. The sales advertising through the mass media has an important effect upon the consumer¢¥s buying behavior.


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