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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.173 ~ 186
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À̺´½Ä ( Lee-Byoeng-Sik ) 
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The object of education is to make the man who has the. knowledge, the virtue, and the health to form the humanity, so it is useful to study how the physical education has been affected on the formation of humanity through the historical review of physical education for the education of school. The origin and the history of physical education are the ¢¥same as those of humanbeing and they have been changed with the current of times. This review is summerized as follows;
1. The formation of humanity through the physical education has been done well when the nation was in the beginning and in the prosperity of ages. This means that the nation education the man whom needed the society and the times through the physical education. The kinds of that education could be devided into two sides; one was that the nation was supreme and each person was belong to the nation,, the other was to try the development of society on the basis of the public good. This can be expressed the other words that where the object of formation of humanity brings to focus on the nation or the individual. The nations which were belong to¢¥ the former were Sparta and German and the letter Athene and U. S. A.
2. The nations which the physical education was neglected in their education and also wag thought as a pleasure collapsed. A thought of physical education as a pleasure and the appearence of professional sportsman were the reasons why the ancient nations were collapsed if we review- the history of physical education. This gives us a good instruction and we must not report the historical.
3. The object of physical education was to try the development of mind and body from a point view of. dualism since the ancient times, but now this is studying in the side of monism. We must study more on the problems of mind and body if we want to form the humanity through, the physical education.
4. Now the subjecthood of humanbeing is at the crisis owing to the scientism. So we must establish the way of forming humanity on the basis of subjecthood through the physical education.
5. The physical education has been done a great role in the side of establishment of humanity for the nation ane the society. The physical education is one of the quickest educational ways for rearing the man who has the good humanity, so the government and the school authority school bemore careful concern on the physical education for the future of nation.


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