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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.201 ~ 205
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±èÀç¼ö ( Kim Jae Soo ) 
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the commercialism reflected in the New Novel. The commercialism is important as much as enlightenment in understanding, the New Novel. Here, the commercialism is defined as a way of writing for the public rather than for the art itself. There are two reasons for the reflection of commercialism in the New Novel: one is the expansion of the reading public and the other the growing opportunities for publication with a helf of growing journalism. .
1. expansion of the reading public
During 1910¢¥ s, which is called a period of civilization, the environment was unprecedentedly favorite for the production and consumption of literary works. The main reason is to be found in the expansion of the reading public, which was contributed by the following factors:
¨ç movement of national language for the harmonization of speech and writing since 1894.
¨è rapid growth of intellectual class.
¨é mass production of books due to the growing availability of publishing facilities.
¨ê serial publication of the New Novel works in the public press and magazines.
Therefore, the reading materials appropriate I by the privileged class for a long time suddenly opened to the public, which enhanced the low class readers, desire to read.
2. Jouralism and the growing opportunities for publication
The public press and magazines were the New Novel works. In addition to that, most of the New Novel writers were reporters. These two factors enforced the New Novel to be journalistic: hence, the New Novel was written for the public rather than for the art itself.
One distinctive characteristics of the .New Novel was that it prepared a moment for anappearance of the professional writers. From the beginning, they wrote New Novel works for the purpose of commercialization of their works. This is a historical event in the history of Korean literature.
The New Novel writers were interested in the old Novel-type readers whose tradition was originated from the 17th century. To flatter these readers, the New Novel writers sought for a theme from the Old Novel works. Therefore, the New Novel reflected the characteristics of the Old Novel and this is one of the reasons that the New Novel is classified as a popular story and its literary tradition was-short-lived.


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