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ñðíýð²ðã¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Studies on the Preparation of Chipjang

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.69 ~ 78
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In order to find out optimum conditions on the preparation of Chipjang, the ratio of raw materials, NaCl concentration and aging temperature were investigated. During the aging the changes of ingridients of the Chipjang, such as amino-N, reducing sugar, total acid, pH were determind and sensory, test was carried out. The results were as follows;
1. The most effective ratio of glutenious rice to Me-joo was 10:2.
2. The level of amino-N was considerable in 48hrs. and the lowest level was obtained in the 13% of NaCl. The effects of temperature on the changes of amino-N were insignificant.
3. As the content of NaCl increased reducing sugar was increased, especially at 50¡É of aging temperature.
4. Total acid was increased as decreased content of NaCl and significant level was obtained at 50 and. 60¡É of aging-temperature.
5. According to the sensory evaluation, the best taste was shown in the 10% of NaCl, agied at 50¡É.


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