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ÒààõئÝö¿Í ÚãÞÒËþÞÛ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study of Cerebral Palsy and Reflex Test

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.145 ~ 151
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In a child with cerebral palsy, the primary pathologic process is in the brain. During the early infancy of postnatal development, the various of cerebral palsy are not obvious.
Therefore, reflex test should be done by a Physical Therapist to determine the maturational level, and abnormal reflexes of C.N.S. as the .basis for a rehabilitation program. . ¢¥
This study shows the maturation of the C.N.S. in 22 children with cerebral palsy who were treated over a period of one year.
In comparison with the motor development of these patients, the results of their reflex tests are as follows:
1. If pathologic reflexes persist, the patients cannot walk without falling.
2. If the symmetrical tonic neck reflex persists, the patients have a bad prognosis for walking.
3. For patients who have persistent abnormal reflexes the positive supporting reaction and the negative supporting reaction at the brain stem level, unsupported walking is difficult.
4. For patients who have persistent abnormal, reflexes the neck righting and the body righting acting on the body at the midbrain level, walking is delayed or difficult.
5. The presence of an abnormal amphibian reaction is a bad prognostic sign for crawling.
6. If the patients do not have the protective extensor thrust reaction, neuromuscular development is deficient and the chances of walking are lessened.


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