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¿ì¸®³ª¶ó ÀÚ¼ö¿¡ ÓßÇÑ ÍÅóÌ -º£°¹¸ð¸¦ ñéãýÀ¸·Î A Study on the Embroider of Korean -Chiefly on the Peykayq mo

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.171 ~ 183
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The oriental embroidery is an technology.
Women embroidered-the pictares that look little a real one with embroidery thread.
From the learning of embroidery they have developed carefulness, endurance and the spirits of working as well as the artistic creativeness and a creative spirit.
Handicraft articles are made out of textiles and fibers. Women have been leading their own handicrafts in the from of domestic industry, because of its preducting methods and tools.
At the present time, embroidery is being moderniged.
As the result, its design and techniques have improved.
New it is possible for a little amount of work to express much effects, while pey-kayq mo(embroidered pads attached to both sides of a pillow for decoration) still follows the pattern of traditional embroidery. Its matter and raw materials are limited, too.
1. The design of peykayq mo stands as a symbol for a lucky omen.
2. Its texture is silk fabrics which is woven with silk without patterns.
3. Women embroider it out of silk thread, and thread, and they of ten mix gold thread with silver thread.
4. Although how to embroider varies with shapes, women usually has embroider satin stitch, sometimes they mix light collor with dark one. Futhermore, they use french knot stitch or outline stitch.


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