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°¡Á·°èȹ ¹æ¹ýÁß ¹è¶õ±â ÃøÁ¤¹ý(Ovulation Method) ½Ç½ÃÈÄ ¹ÝÀÀÁ¶»ç -´Ü±â»ç¿ë±º°ú Àå±â»ç¿ë±ºÀÇ ºñ±³¸¦ Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î A Study on the Response of Ovulation Method for Family Planning by the Shorter and Longer Period

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.209 ~ 222
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°í¸í¼÷/Koh MS


It was carried out from 15th. Mar, 1979 to 5th Apr., 1979 for the response of Ovulation Method which was tought to subjects.
It was divided into groups: A and B
group A: From six months to one calander year used for shorter period.
group B: more than 3 calander year used for longer period.
Through these inspecting questionnare, the results were as follows.
1. An experience of artificial abortion
group A: 68% among 100 subjects(average 2.03)
group B: 47% among 221 subjects(average 1.32)
2. Number of children
Average number of children was less 0.05, male and 0.38, female for longer period used this method than the shorter. Desirable number of children was less 0.09, male and. 0.14, female for longer period used this method than the shorter.
3. The age of family planning begin
The most of the group A(86%) started between 25 and 34 years. Group B (89.5%) started between 20~34 years. The age of family planning begun earlier group B than.
group A.
4. The previos used family planning method.
Those who did not used for any family planning methods were more group B(79.9%) than group A( 53%).
5. Ovulation method
1) Learning course for Ovulation Method
Group B was distributed in the more various course(hospital inpatient(13.6%), family planning center(80.5%), neighbourhood(4.6%) and group teaching(1.3%)) than group A was through family planning center(9.9%), neighbourhood(l%) respectively
2) Duration for starting after learning about the Ovulation Method.
It show that group B is 91.4% and group A is 82% after learning.
3) First impression for Ovulation method
There was no ay significant different between groun A and B
4) Advantage of Ovulatiopn Method
Exactly to know Ovulation Method was possible for group B(63.8%) and group A (53.0%)
5) The Ovulation Method difficulty
There was no any significant difference for daily observation and recording(p<0. 1,), cooperation for using this method(p<0.1) and inconveniency(p<0.01) between .group A and B. There was significant difference between group A and B(p>0.05) for observing ovulation period. ,
6. For using any other- family planning method during this Ovulation Method used. It show that group A was 5% and group B was 15.8%
7. Unexpected pregnancy during Ovulation Method used. Number of unexpected pregnancy was used higher group B than group A.


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