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ãÕÚªàõãÝéÄêú·Î »çÀ°ÇÑ Åä³¢±ÙÀ°ÀÇ ±Ù¿ø¼¶À¯ ´Ü¹éÁúÀÇ ATPaseÈ°¼º¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ±Ý¼ÓÀÇ ¿µÇâ The Effect of the Divalent Metal Ions on the ATPase Activity of Myofibrillar Profein from Rabbit Muscle fed Vegetable Oils

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1980³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 55
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In order to study ATPase activity, Myofibrillar protein of Rabbit fed Vegetable oils was extracted from Cbin-Chillaspecies. The ATPase activity was tested by using various concentrations of divalant metal ions(Ca^(2+) and Mg^(2+)) in order to determine inhibitory effect.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. The ATPase activity in Myofibrillar protein of Rabbit exhibited a common-biphasic response, and the ATPase activity is high at a lower ionic strength and low at a higher ionic strength.
2. The effect of EDTA on the ATPass activity of Myofibrillar protein extracted from Rabbit fed vegetable oills was tested by using various concentrations. The AT-Pase activity wasinh ibited from 0.2mM and over concentration of EDTA.
3. The ATPase activity in Myofibrillar protein was decreased remarkably in 0.2mM and over concentration for Mg^(2+), and in 1.0 mM and over concentration for Ca^(2+)
4. In vitro, the digestibilities in A,B,C and D groups of Rabbit muscle treated with Pepsin and Trypsin for 30 minutes at 36? water bath were 71.66%, 73.87%;70.62%, 77.93%; 67.93%, 76.52%; and 86.79%, 90.22%, respectively.


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