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Æ÷µµ ðúãùÀÇ ò·Û¸ß« ¹× Aminoß« ðÚà÷¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Studies on the Composition of Fatty Acid and Amino Acid in Grape Seed

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1980³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.57 ~ 64
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In the graps seed, proximate components and some chemical constants of the oil were determined to promote it¢¥s utility. Fatty acid composition of grape seed oil and amino acid composition of grape seed oil meal were analyzed with gas-liquid chromatography and amino acid autoanalyzer respectively.
The results are summarized as follows:
1. The grape seed containedl0.72% moisture, 12.89% crude fat, 20.95% crude protein, 1.79% crude ash and 53.65% carbohydrate.
2. The value of acid, saponificationand iodine of the grape seed oil were 4.12, 190.26 and 132.62 respectively.
3. The fatty acids of the grape seed oil were composed in linoleic acid (65.70%), oleic acid (22.34%), palmitic acid (7.88%), stearic acid (2.52%), palmitoleic acid (0.62%) and arachidic acid (0.55%).
4. amino acid composition of grape seed oil meal were quantitatively determined as 2.41% aspartic acid, 0.66% threonine, 1.01% serine, 8.52% glutamic acid, 2.23% glycine, 1.23% alanine, 1.41% valine, 1.33% isoleucine, 1.85% leucine, 0.89% phenylalanine, 1.14% lysine, 0.90% histidine, 2.30 % arginine and 0.37% ornithine.


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