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ìÑÊàû¡à÷¿¡¼­ º» ùÛÏÐô÷ëÀÀÇ ÞÈîÜ ÍÅóÌ A Historical Review of Korean Physical Education in view of Character Formation

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1980³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.93 ~ 110
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The history of human beings originated from education which was composed of immitation, memory, and repeat through physical activity. The education was activized to lead daily life. Ancient people took advantage of the physical activity to solve the problems of housing, food, and clothing as well as to defense their tribes collectively.
When we devide our history into prosperous period and declining one, the period of active physical activity was the period of prosperity with sound national spirit and prog-eessive solidarity.
The purpose of education is to make manly man or to build up one¢¥s character, but this purpose declined to 2nd or 3rd importance in today¢¥s education. In old days we could find our traditional spirit of Kokuryo and in Hwangrang Spirit in Silla. In both countries physical education was taken¢¥a serious view. We are sorry that today¢¥s education is reduced to a tool of success in life, which was shown in state examination system in Lee Dynasty.
Under the influence of Confucianism, Buddism, and Zen, reality escapism and contempt of militarism brought stagnation of physical education when we see cultural, educational, and spiritual facades of Lee Dynasty. Thereupon, weakness of defence power and consistant foreign aggression were brough about and embodyment of sound character faded day by day. In Hwarang Spirit Silla people thought the body and spirit was one and regarded it the best ideal to drill body and spirit together. Through the spirit the country could unify the peninsula and became a prosperous nation cultually.
Under the influence of Confucianism, respect of scholarship and negligance of militarism spirit influenced various parts of Lee Dynasty society. According to the trend of militarism contempt, they layed stress on prestige and dignity and used to say, "Gentleman doesn¢¥t flounder even in the water." Physical exercise, which is sacred labor, could not be expected in the period. We should not forget that ancient Greek people thought a man of both wisdom and activity, who had literary and military accomplishments, was an ideal man. As we reviewed in our history, the period which emphasized balancd development of body and spirit eas prosperous and could keep peawce.


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