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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1980³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.135 ~ 153
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The objective of this study is to describe a difference of Korean and American cultural assumptions and values.
In the dominant patterns of cultures throughout the world, it is found American culture usually lies at one end of the dimensions and the cultures of Korea occupy positions proceeding in the opposite direction. The Korea and Japan differ in the qualities which they value in person, but in comparison with middle-class Americans, the members of each of these societies place more stress on family and position in society. In the United States, individual achievement is usually valued above family relationships. In this repect(and in many if not most others-- as far as cultural assumptions and values are concerned) the American middle-class differs from most Korean culture group.
It is legitimate, therefore, to compare Koreans with Americans even though the Korean differs markedly.
1. The limitation of cause and effect about action is clear in American society and they take the responsibility about the action, but in Korean society the motivation of the action is made by famity and community.
2. The American value of majority rule is not universal. The Korean rejects the majority voice in decision-making, which becomes binding upon both the majority and minority alike.
3. The assumption of doing and the value of being active are dominant patterns in American life.
Work is pursued for a living. It¢¥s what a man must do and he is not necessarily supposed to enjoy it.
Play, on the other hand, is relief from the drudgery and regularity of work and is enjoyable in its own right although many Americans engage in recreation with the same seriousness of purpose expended on work.
6. In the ascriptive society the motivation of action is limitted by authority of a family, a nation and a group. On the other hand, in the individual society authority of a group and tradition is not affected in a personal.
7. All cultural circle have the difference of cultural patterns from nonverbal communication.


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