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¿©Ãµ °ø¾÷´ÜÁö °øÀåÆó¼ö¿¡ °üÇÑ Á¶»ç¿¬±¸ Studies on the Waste Water in Yeocheon Industrial Complex

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.13 ~ 20
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Water pollution of Yeocheon Industrial Complex was examined from 2. September 1980 to 5. September 1980. For checking the water pollution, 5 sampling positions were selected; we assumed that the water pollution of Yeoch-eon Industrial Complex was due to the oil and metals, which came from industrial materials and oil.
The apparatus for this test were ; pH meter (Fisher accumet 520), Temperature meter (Delta 1010), spectrophotometer (Hitach 181, spectronics 20 L&B 2), Atomic absorption spectoroph.otometer (Hitach 170¡­30, Myrano 1).
The results we obtained are as follows.
1. The average range was 6.99¡­9.67 of pH, 12.9¡­43.85ppm of COD, 9.675¡­30.8ppm of BOD, 28.0¡­125.25ppm of SS, 388.25¡­607.5ppm of VS, 0.6183¡­2.4442ppm of phenol, 29.6¡­76.375ppmof oil, 4.559¡­15.121ppm of T-P,0.55¡­0.975ppm of CN,0.040¡­0.143ppm of T-Hg, 24.77¡­224.075§¶/l of T-Cr, 2,6865¡­8.9365ppm of Cu, 0.2018¡­0.7035ppm of Cd, 0.24¡­1.075ppm of Mn, 0.5951¡­3.4521ppm of Pb and 0.0321¡­0.1936ppm of Zn.
2. The mean value for havy metals for the st D was 0.143ppm, st B was 0.085ppm, st A was 0.046ppm, st E was 0.041ppm, gtC was 0.040ppm of Hg-, 109.504 §¶/l of T-Cr, 5.0857ppm of Cu, 0.3300ppm of Cd, 0.606ppm of Mn, 2.1331ppm of Pb and 0..0953ppm of Zn.


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