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±¤ÁÖ¿Í ¿©¼öÁö¹æ¿¡ À־ ÀϺνùÎÀÇ ½ÄÀ̱¸¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A Study of the Diet-pattern for Residents in Gwangju and Yeosu Area

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.67 ~ 73
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The diets of Gwangju and r´ë³à city residents, nutrition survey was carried out both 1979 and 1980 year.
(1) Average intake of nutritional elements for an adult per day was 654.88gr.
(2) Average Calorie distribution of the nutritional elements per adult per day was 17.85% for protein, 79.35% for carbohydrates, and 2.81% for Fat in Gwangju; 22.22% for protein, 73.88% for carbohydrates and 3.91% for Fat in Y´ë³à.
(3) The ratio of the animal protein to total protein consumed was 75.09% in average. The amount of ingested protein, animal protein and plant protein were 130.05gr, 97.65gr, and 32.39gr. respectively.
(4) In aspect of Calorie, take-in calorie was 2754.38 cal. which was lower than the RDA(3000cal).
(5) In aspect of the minerals (Fe, Ca), the intake of Ca was 608.47mg, 4.7mg, in Gwangju, but 491.89mg, in Yeosu. The intake of Fe in Gwangju and Yeosu were 13.21mg, and 10.22mg. respectively. The RDA for Fe, Ca were 600mg, and 10mg, respectively.
(6) The amount of intakend thiamine and riboflavin were 1.48mg, and 1.01mg, respectively. The RDA of thiamine and riboflavin were 1.5mg, and 1.8mg, respectively.


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