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î¡úªü´íºÀÇ û¿ß«àõ ÛÜúìϹÀÇ ñÎÑ¢àõ¿¡ °üÇÑ ãùúÐîÜ æÚϼ Circadian Rhythm of Eosinophil Count in the Unconscious Patients in I.C.U.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.97 ~ 105
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The purpose of this study is to find out any variation in the Circadian rhythm of eosinophil count in the unconscious patients admitted in the I.C.U. for more than 7 days.
12 unconcious patients in the I.C.U, Kwang-Ju Christian Hospital were included in this study, with control groups of Ilpatients in the orthopedic ward and healthy medical personnel.
Eosinophil counts were measured with the time interval of 6 hours for the successive 2 days, at 6 in the morning, at noon, at 6 in the afternoon and at midnight.
The results were as below;
1. The eosinophil count in the unconscious patients in I.C.U. was much less than that of either orthopedic patients or normal control group.
2. The eosinophil count of the unconsious patients in I.C.U. showed similiar circadian rhythm in wave form to those of the control groups, although much more fluctuating.
3. With above results, the author tried to discuss the psychiatric implication of such rhythm in the unconscious patients admitted in such an environment of I.C.U.


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