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ÐåÜõú¼ïÙ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A Study on the Social Benefit Administration

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.107 ~ 128
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This article is to study social benefit administration.
In nineteenth century. Laissez-faire states that maintained public order pursued the elementary right of freedom. But as you know, in nineteenth century, social welfare administration is tried to secure the elementary right to live.
Modern industrial society which is made of the ways of group life needs the product goods. So contemporary government must provide the citizen with products.
That is social benefit administration. There are many factors that increase and promote the social welfare and protection of life. It is the factors that government administers for citizen interest positively, and that satisfies the people who demand the life goods, and that secures the elementary right to live. E. Forsthoff asserted that public welfare administration meant "formulating public administration theory from social benefit." When we endow social benefit administration theory with the meaning it stands for promoting, increasing, and orienting the welfare of people positively. The contents of the social benefit administration include social supply administration, social security administration, and development administration.
In the thesis, social benefit administration of the social security administration is studied to establish the security of the elementary right to live; which is the idea of modern society.
The social security of modern states hopes to secure the minimum "Menschenw-urdiges Dasein¢¥¢¥ and to regulate the human existence right lawfully and to benefit for the citizen compulsorily. Therefore the Korean Constitution prescribes the social security. The many issues should be proved for better social security administration.
When these problems are pointed and solved, this thesis will contribute the better social security administration.


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