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ëÅÔÔñºÖå A Study on Poet YunDongjoo

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.141 ~ 159
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This paper aims to arrange the life of Poet Yun dongjoo and observe his poetic world through his poems.
The first part of the main discourse discribes bis life. He was born in Dec. 30, 1917 and died just six months before the National Indepence so long cherished in his heart. He left only his collected poems "Hanuigwa Baramgwa Si Byulgwa (The Sky and the Wind and the Stars and the Poems)" and the gravestone "The Tomb of Poet Yun. Dongjoo" before his tomb.
He led his life as a wanderer, being deprived of his loving motherland. He is generally known as a poet having affection for the sky, the stars and the poems. However, it was his motherland that he deeply loved. It was her history and realities that he truly loved. It was the Japanese and their followers that he badly hated. He could not betray his motherland as his senior poets, for throughout self-discovery and self-reflection he looked in the face the world of the national common experience.
The second part observes his poetic world which is form by this personal life. In short, he was a resistant and prophetic poet.
From the viewpoint of a resistant poet, his poems are written through self-discovery and self-reflection. Hence they are resistant poetry bearing strong revolt consciousness. His poems are written in the love of his people and nation. Hence they are resistant poetry bearing firm national consciousness. And his poems are written in the love-disregarding the peril of his life. Hence they are also resistant poems bearing strong-revolt consciousness.
From the standpoint of a prophetic poet, his poems are written in the hope that his nation will gain freedom and peace; therefore his poems are prophetic poetry strong in prophetic theme. His poems are written in the consciousness of calling (or God¢¥s will); therefore they are prophetic poetry having firm faith in the national liberation. His poems are written in the religious thought of judgement; therefore they are prophetic poems seeing through the nation¢¥s freedom.
In a word, it is certain that he wrote resistant poems of ¢¥night and darkness¢¥ and that he wrote prophetic poems of ¢¥the sky and the stars¢¥
He produced great achievements in the history of Korean modern poetry.


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