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ì°ëÁÞÈÀÇ ãÌá¦Í£ A Study on Poet Lee Yuk-Sa

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1982³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.69 ~ 86
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As stated above, the author dealt with the life of Lee Yuk-Sa and his literary background, and besides his poetic world
He was born at 881, Weon-Chon Ri, Do-San Myeon, An-Dong Goon, Kyeong-Buk in Apr. 4, 1904 by the lunar calendar and breathed his last in prison in Buk-Gyeong, China in Jan. 16, 1944(by the solar calendar).
His name has nearly slipped from our memory, but a monument to the memory of Lee Yuk-Sa remains at the side of Nak-Dong river in his birthplace. It was erected in May 5, 1968.
He lived away from his home all his life with the mind of the pursued and the body of the tired. He lived in the spirit of a classical scholar learned from the national traditions and the family precepts. And he was a national poet and a fighter for national independence against imperialist Japan. He complained against what was the racial anguish and prophesied the future of a nation.
At last he was arrested and tortured by imperialist Japan many times, because he judged fairly the real conditions. He lived with his true heart and love to defend the country and the race, proclaiming imperialist Japan to be an invader, a plunderer, and a smuggler.
There are two ways of poetic world realized through his life and literary background. In the first place, his poems are poetry of testimony in which contents of witness are strong, derived from the realistic states and the current thoughts, and it is prophetic poems that complain and set up against a colonial age. The second, his poems are also prophetic poetry that soothe the national anguish and foretell the future of a nation. Lee Yuk-Sa became a national poet and a fighter for national independence because he lived only in the spirit of a classical scholar.
A milestone erected on modern literature by Lee Yuk-Sa is a pride of valuable and precious national literature, and the starting point of national literature.


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