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ùÛØÇëùܲù÷î³ ûÉÑõò¢Û°À» ñéãýÀ¸·Î A Study of Uypyeng at the end of Yi Dynasty -emphasizing of Honam district

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1982³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.87 ~ 125
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The end of Yi dynasty was the whirlpool of accomodating Wijungchksa(Rejecting the Occident and protection of Confucism) thought and acceptence of west thought conflected with antinomistic.
The conscious of crisis appeared Repealing power agaist Japanese imperialist.
This thought was popular with this opportunity by Eulmisabyun (Queen Min was assassinaten by a group of Japanese hoodlum).
Honam district Uypyeng was risen by Giwuman in Chang-sung at 1896 and continued till 1909. The Uypyerrg of this district was very strong compaired with any other. But 1909 by the schedule of Namhandae-Tobul (The greet suppresslonssion of south district) by Japanese Army Gen. Uypyeng or Uypyeng were captured. After all come to an end of action of Uypyeng. At any rate Japanese suppressed Uypyeng by far superior military power. But Japanese received loss of life and propriety, and Uypyeng war was vary variety classes attending. Just Yusayang (confucian.), Yangban (the two upper classes), peasant and workers Striking Nationed traitor.
A pastoral Village was burnt to the ground, the good people were slaughtered, the member of ¥± Chin-hoe were slaughtered, property of Land lord were plundered. Traffic was held up (suspension), Commerce was stagnated, agriculture product w,as declined from remarkable decrease of export to Japanese Village permention of Japanese goods was sptopped, Japanese were expelled from Village to city or port, Japanese land Speculation was withered.
Every terminal ofrice¢¥s administrative affair: was paralytic, stopping tax collection, farm rent, and a loan at high inerest, After all, Japan was to stop every economic extortion and loss a nearer way to the annexation of Korea. But this Uypyeng did not destroy the tranditional Social order, on account of lack of arms, training and deficiency in their organizing ability and many suppression by Japanese Army, and so on, Uypyeng was defeated by Japanese Army.
Honam district Uypyeng failed to repel the Japanese invasion. But through this registance to Japan. We gain strong and tough National Identity and That enabled us to enhance our organizinh ablity and to stage of effective movement toward our independence.


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