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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1983³â 8±Ç 1È£ p.77 ~ 88
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The purpose of this study was to find out the extent of knowledge in toxemia and
prenatal care in expectant mothers.

Two groups, 123 normal delivered women and 66 toxemia patient from Chonnam University Hospital, Kwangju Christian Hospital and Chosun University Hospital were interviewed from April to June, 1982.
The results are as follows;
1. The highest group of respondents was the 25~29 years (54.0%). The high school graduates made up 44.4%.
2. A higher incidence of toxemia was observed in lower socioeconomic groups (p<0.005).
3. The incidence of toxemia, by gestational periods, was highest in the .group over 35 weeks of gestation. Also, a significantly higher incidence of toxemia was seen in primipara than in multipara(p<0.05).
4. 78.3% of all respondents received prenatal care, of the remaining, 33.3% of the toxemia group had not received prenatal care, which is significantly higher than 15.4% in normal group.
5. Of those who received prenatal care, 94.6% had visited a hospital but 61.5% of them had failed to receive on explanation about toxemia.
6. "Unware" was the most frequent reply(34.0%) for not having received prenatal care.
7. Toxemia group had greater knowledge of toxemia than the normal group (p<0.005).
8. In specific prenatal care;the normal group had higher mean score on nutrition(p<0.05).
9. The most frequent prenatal maternal concern was the anxity for the baby (42.9%) and 58.7% were spontaneous delivery.
10. Newborn of toxemia had average weight of 2.71§¸ in contrast to 3.13§¸ for normal pregnancy. Also, the toxemic group had significantly higher perinatal death than normal (p<0.05).


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