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îïÑõò¢æ´ÀÇ ùÛÏÐߧ ÍÔÔõж׾ÀÇ ÝÂ×¾ùÊîÜ æÚϼ Toxonomy Study on Higher Fungi in Chonnam Areas

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1983³â 8±Ç 1È£ p.97 ~ 104
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å³ 100æ®ïÃÀÇ ùÛÏÐߧ ÍÔÔõж׾°¡ 1981Ò´ 5êźÎÅÍ 1982Ò´ 10êűîÁö îïÜËò¢æ´(ÙíÔõߣ¡¤ï±ñ¶)¿¡¼­ óõó¢ÇÏ¿© ÝÂ×¾¡¤ÔÒïÒÇÏ¿´´Ù.
±× Ì¿Íý 1ØÑ, 4ÙÍ, 15Ρ, 31áÕ, 6ðúÀ» ü¬ìãÇÏ¿´´Ù. ÀÌ Áß¿¡¼­
About one hundred Higher Fungi were collected in Chonnam areas from May, 1981 to October, 1982.
According to the result, these are I class, 4 ordrs, 15 families, 31 genera and 64 species.
Among them, unrecorded species of Korea were Mycena epipterygia.(Scof. ex Fr). Gray, Lepiota aurantioflava. Horgo, L. cygnea Lange, Cortinarius subturbinatus Henry and Boletus violaceofuscus Chin.
Unrecorded species were nomenclatured common name of Korea.


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