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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.19 ~ 28
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The dissociation constants of benzoic acid, o-fluorobenzoic acid, o-chlorobenzoic acid and o-bromobenzoic acid have been determined at 25¡É, in ethanol-water mixtures containing 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 80 weight percent of ethanol by the Gelb¢¥s method involving titration of the acid sample and pure solvent with perchloric acid reagent.
From the results, the effects of solvent and substituent on the dissociation have been discussed. The pK values of acid samples increased with increasing ethanol content in the mixtures. And hence, the ease of the dissociation was guessed to be the following order; o-bromobenzoic acid o-chlorobenzoic acid>o-fluorobenzoic acid> benzoic acid.


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