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¸¶±×³×½·, Ä®½·°ú ºÒÆ÷È­Áö¹æ»ê°úÀÇ »óÈ£ÀÛ¿ëÀÌ 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Co-A reductase È°¼º¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ Interaction of dietary Mg(¥±), Ca(¥±) and polyunsaturated fatty acids on 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Co-A reductase activity

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Interaction of dietary Magnesium, Calcium, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils) on 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Co-A reductase activity was studied for as period of 30 days using isocalories and isonitrogenous as a basal dist.
The subjed rabbits were divided into 18 feeding groups.
The results are summaried as follows:
1. The ratio of ¥á©û-lipoprotein per lipalbumin is 0.34 for control group, 0.38, the highest, group fed 0. lM §·(¥±) (10§¢) plus perilla oil and basal diet, the lowest, 0.25, group fed 0. lM §·(¥±) (5§¢) pisu sesame oil and basal diet.
2. The ratis of ¥á©ü-lipoprotein per lipalbumin is 0.64 for control group, 0.95, as she highest for the group fed 0. lM Ca( ¥± ) (15§¢) plus sesame oil and basal diet, 0.25, as the lowest, for the groups fed 0.lM §·(¥±) (5, 10§¢) plus Soybean oil and basal diet, 0.lM Ca(¥±) (5§¢) plus perilla oil and basal diet.
3. The ratio of ¥â-lipoprotein per lipalbumin is 0.71 for control group, the highest, 0.80 for the groups fed 0. lM §·(¥±) (10§¢) plus sesame oil and basal diet, the louest, 0.37 for the group fed 0. lM §·(¥±) (15§¢) plus Soybean oil and basal diet.
4. In serum triglyceride, control group was 129.5§·%, the highest, 155.4§·% for the group fed 0.lM Ca(¥±) (5§·) plus sesame oil and basal diet, the lowest, 85.7§·% for the group fed 0.lM §·(¥±) (10§¢) plus Soybean oil and basal diet.
5. In serum cholesterol, control group was 96.7§·%, the hightest, 152.5§·% for the group fed 0.lM Ca(¥±) (10§¢) plus sesame oil and basal diet, the lowest, 80.5§·% for the group fed 0.lM §·(¥±) (15§¢) plus soydean oil and basal diet.
6. In case of H§·-Co A reductase activity, control group was 0.95, the highest, 0.98 fer the group fed 0.lM Ca(¥±) plus soybean oil and basal diet, the lowest, 0.82, for the group fed 0. lM §·(¥±) (10§¢) plus seame oil and basal diet.
7. Interaction betueen Metal ions and polyunsaturated fatty acid(vegetable oil) are soybean oil>sesame oil>perilla oil for §·(¥±), soybean oil>perilla oil>sesame oil for Ca(¥±). Therefore, It is investigated that the interaction between metal ion and polyunsaturated fatty acid is the higher, the cholesterol level is the lower, and HMG-Co A reductase activity is increased.


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