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Ä¡¾ÆÇ¥¸é¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â »ç°úÀÇ ôèïäüùÍý¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A study the cleansing effect of the apple On the tooth surface

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.47 ~ 56
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To find out whether the apple, taken most commonly, effects cleansing action on buccal and lingual and occlusal surface of tooth.
Control group was stained with disclosing solution, before and after taken castella and then baccal and lingual surfaces was investigated with Quigley and Heim index.
The occlusal surface was investigated with occlusal plaque lndex(OPI) Experimental group was done as same as control group.
Analyzing the difference between above 2 groups, following results were obtained.
1. Through Q & H index generally there was slight cleansing effect. The best cleansing effect was 1.50-199,7 men (14%). there were 27men (54%), showing more value than 1.05.
2. Through Q & H indey maxillary teeth reveal slight cleansing effects and the best cleansing effect was 2.0-2.49 2men (4%). there were 27men (54%), showing more value than 1.02. Mandibuar teeth also reveal the slight cleansing effect, the best was 2.0-2.49, 3men (6%). there were 28men (56%), showing more value than 1.04.
3. Through Q & H Index Anterior teeth reveal slight cleansing effects and the best cleansing effect was 2.0-2.49, 3men (6%). there were 26men(52%), showing more value than 1.02. posterior teeth also reveal the slight cleansing effect, the best was 2.0-2.49, 1man (2%). there were 24men (48%), showing more value than. 1.04.
4. Through Q & H Index buccal surface reveal slight cleansing effects and the best cleansing effect was 2.0-2.49, lman(2%), there were 32men (64%), showing more value the 1.08. lingual surface also reveal the slight cleansing effect, the best was 1.50-1.99, 6men(12%). there weve 37men (74%), showing more value than 0.97.
5. Throuh occlusal plaque Index generally there was slight cleansing effect. The best cleansing effect was 0.61-0.70, lman(3%), there were 23men (64%), showing more value than 0.20.
6. Through OPI Maxylary teeth reveal slight cleahsing effects and the best cleansing effect was 0.71-0.80, 2men (6%), therewere 24men (.67%), showing more value than 0.19. Mandibular teethalso veveal the slight cleansing effect, the best was 0.41-0.50, 7men (19%). there were 16men (45%), showing more value than 0.22.
7. Through OPI premolar veveal slight cleansing effects and the best cleansing effect was 0.71-0.80, 1man (3%), there were 14men (39%), showing more value than 0.11. molar also veveal the slight cleansing effect, the best was 0.91-1.0, 1man (3%), there were 20men (56%), showing more value than 0.28.


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