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ùÛÏÐߧ ÍÔÔõж׾ÑÀ(¥³) Notes on Korean Higher Fungi(¥³)

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.75 ~ 82
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About 200 species of Korean higher fungi were collected in Mt. Mudeung areas during April, 1983 to November, 1983.
These were identified. According to results, following species were identifed to be unrecorded Korea.
Cortinarius aurantiofulus Hongo, C. vibratilis(Fr. ) Fr., C. pseudopurpurascens Hongo, Pholiota lubrica(Fr. ) Sing. , P. carbonaria(Fr.) Sing. , Russula compacta Frost, Clitopilus prunulus(Fr. ) Kummer.


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