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ùÛÏÐÞÈÀÇ ãÁÓÛÏ¡Ý¿¡ °üÇÑ á³ÍÅ -Ò¿ÖËð¤ ðí¡¤ÜúÖåÀ» ñéãýÀ¸·Î A Study on the Periodization in Korean history -centering on the problem of existence or nonexistence of slavery in Korean history

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.169 ~ 181
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Anyone who tries to recognize the development of history systematically can not help but encounter the problem of periodization. And then it gives us the attitude or the way to realize history.
Historians have paid attention to the problem of periodization in Korean histoy long time ago and have made many sorts of attempts since they adopted, the western approaches of researching history in twentieth century.
In a way, when trying to apply historical laws to the problem of periodization in Korean history, a special individual society, naturally follows the problem, whether we should admit the existence of slavery in Korean history or not, for the boundaries of periodization only depends on it.
So the present writer purports to arrange all the contents of theoires of every historians compactly by surveying and to discuss several problems found during this study according to the arguments of the representative scholars.
There seem to be two main streams of arguments about the existence of slavery in Korean history in this discussion. One is the argument to deny the existence of slavery in Korean history; The other is the argument to affirm it. The present writer surveyed the process of such arguments throughout this paper.
Now several conclusions reached are as follows:
First, the problem occurs whether we should include the concept of slave in the diagram of the classical, ancient society or exclude it. If we include it, we can deny the existence of the slavery because of no systemytical evidence about it which plays a dominant role in social productions in Korean history.
Second, then admitting that we recognized the extended concept of slavery the problem accurs whether we should recognize Oriental slavery and Domestic slavery as equal.
In this case we should examine continuously whether it is contradictory or not in this recognition
Finally, accepting the extended concept of slavery the problem occurs whether there is contradiction or not in interpreting the slavery of Korea under the premise that Asian slavery is identical with general slavery. The theory of general slavery needs to suggest more convincing theoretical grounds.
In conclusion we should realize the present hard occasions of Korean history caused by the differences of views and criteria of many scholars and then establish the atmosphere to study from new dimension.


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