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ÎÃñ¶ô¹ÀÇ â©òõçýæø¿¡ ÓßÇÑ æÚϼ A study on Water Pollution of Kwangju Stream

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.11 ~ 24
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A study on the wate pollution of Kwangju stream by the relationship between physical-chemical condition and indicator planktons distribution by water quality level was examined at 6 sampling positions during the period from Mar, 25 to Jun, 25 1984.
The results were as follows;
1. pH was in the range of 6.3¡­7.6.
2. The mid-stream of Kwangju stream was the more severly polluted than the other sampling positions and the average range for it was 0.3¡­3.9 ppm of DO, 62¡­352 ppm of BOD, 5.3¡­24 ppm of T-N and 2.3¡­140 ppm of T-P.
3. The plankton identification in this period showed 5 genera 6 species of Cyanophycea, 11 genera 15 species of Bacillariophyceae, 9 genera 16 species of Chlorophyceae and 6 genera 7 species of protozoa: total 31 genera 44 species.
4. In biological water analysis, upper stream(sp. 1) showed from Oligosaprobic to ¥â-mesosaprobic but the stream in the mid-town area polysaprobic.
5. In the mid-stream (BOD 62~352 ppm) dominant species were appeared Oscillatoria tennis of Cyanophyceae and Paramecium caudatum and Euglena sp. of Protozoa.
6. We would like to propose establishing sewage plants near to the upper-stream and the down-stream of Kwangju stream.


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