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ï·Ó¨ü´íº¿¡ ÓßÇÑ ÷ÖͪîÜ ÍÅóÌ Statistical Obervation on Amputees

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.71 ~ 79
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Statistical observations were carried out on 133 amputated limbs of 122 patients who treated at the Dep. of Orthopedic Surgery, Christian Hospital from January l, 1977 to December 31, 1984.
The results obtained in this are summarized as follows:
1. The peak incidence was in the age group from 41 to 50 in 31 cases(25.4%).
2. Sex distribution of total patients surveyed showed that 79.5% in male and 20.5% in female.
3. The amputations of the upper extremity were performed on 38 limbs 28.6% and of the lower extremity on 95 limbs(7l .4%), and among them, the most frequent amputation was below the knee.
4. The main causes of amputation were Buerger¢¥s disease with 39 cases(32.0%), trauma with 26 cases(21.3%) and osteomyelitis with 15 cases (12.3%).
5. Both limb amputation was perpormed on 6 patients and they were amputated lower extremity.
6. Reoperation was perpormed on 11 cases.


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