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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.125 ~ 137
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À̹ÌÈ­/Lee MW ¹è¿µ¼÷/Bae YS


The purpose of this study was to prevent the nursing troubles through finding out the degree of practice of nursing problems and safety measures arisen in nursing pratice.
The subjects of this study are 136 nurses in three hospitals in a city of K, and 126 the third-year students at two nursing colleges, and we have collected this data from 15th to 30th of March, 1985.
The analysis of the data is done by using percentage.
And the finding of this study are as follows:
1. The types and frequencies of nursing problems of nurses and nursing students are
as the following order.
1) Medication errors form 40.5%.
2) Breakdown of instruments forms 31.0%.
3) Troubles owing to inefficient safety measures form 13.5%.
4) Incorrectness of observation, charting and report forms 4.2%.
5) Skin damage by heat forms 2.1%.
* As to nurses;
(1) Medication errors form 39.6%.
(2) Troubles owing to inefficient safety measures form 24.7%.
(3) Breakdown of instruments forms 23.5%.
* As to nursing students;
(1) Medication errors form 50.0%.
(2) Breakdown of instruments forms 38.0%.
(3) Troubles owing to inefficient safety measures form 3.0%.
2. The degree of practice of safety measures of nurses and nursing students is as the following order.
1) Nurses(81.6%) keep the safety measures better than the nursing students(60.3%).
2) Nurse¢¥s keeping principles related to medication forms 80.1%, safety measures. (75.7%), charting(97.8%).
3) Nursing students¢¥ keeping principles related to medication forms 59.5%, safety measures (50.8%), charting( 76.2%).
Our suggestions from the above results are as follows:
1. It is necessary to teach the nursing students how to prevent the nursing troubles while practicing.
2. The contents of nursing problems are needed to study including not only the knowledge of nursing but also the techniques, the attitude of nursing and the communication skills.
3. It is necessary to take measures and set up criteria of nursing practice for the nurses to prevent the nursing troubles.


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