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°¡Á· °£È£¿ä±¸¿¡ °üÇÑ Á¶»ç A Survey on the Nursing Needs of Family

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.173 ~ 185
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¼ÕÀξÆ/Sohn IA


This study was performed during the period from March I to June 10, 1985, in order to investigate the problems of the families living in Gwang Ja city. 80 nucler families and 4 extended families were selected by random.
Housewives were interviewed to obtain the general information and find out their family¢¥s health problems through home visiting by trained nursing students.
The purpose of this study is to help making plan for family health nursing in the future and to provide basic materials which can be used as educational effect.
The collected data were analized statically by frequency, percentage, mean, S.D.
The results are as follows.
1. General characteristic of the study population by Duvall¢¥s family developmental stage.
1) The study pouplation: Stage 5 families hold the first as (23.80%).
2) Family size: The average family size was 4.5 person.
3) The parent¢¥s present age was older in the higher developmental stage.
4) The higher the developmental stage, the wider the distribution of children¢¥s age.
2. Problems in specific area of nursing need.
Among total family, the nursing need as the rank was Adult¢¥s problem(42.9%).
The second was the Environmental problem(13.68%), the third was Infant and Toddler¢¥s problem(8.74% ).


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