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ùÛÏÐߧ ¸¶´ÃÀÇ ËëðÏ÷åàõ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Studies on the Drying Characteristics of Garlic

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.13 ~ 20
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In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the drying characteristics of the powdered and sliced garlic at higher drying temperature(30¡É) than the temperatures previously reported. The study was further supplemented with the experimental works on the relationship between the sorption isotherms and storage stability of the powdered and sliced garlic and also on the estimatimation of the drying characteristics of garlic(Allium sativem L.) at a given set of conditions. The results of the sorption studies seem to indicate that the optimum moisture contents of the powdered and sliced garlic for safe long-term storage seemed to be 17.6% and 16.8% on dry basis respectively.
The maximum moisture contents to be employed for drying or storage should not exceed more than 20% in either case. The flow-rate of the drying air was 0.5m/ sec. Moisture contents of garlic at the time of harvest are ca. 68%. It took ca. 840, 500 and 260 minutes for the thintly spread(l.5§¯ thickness) garlic to reach a moisture contents 60% (on wet basis) at the drying temperatures of 40¢ª 50¢ª and 60¡É. The storage stability of the whole garlic does not seem to depend on the total moisture content, but rather on the equilibrium moisture content of the surface area of the whole garlic. The relative humity of the air to be used for the drying of garlic which is intended for a long time storage should be less than 70%.


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