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ðôáÕìµÖåÀÇ ñ«é©ÒÕïðú Ùýð¹ïÇÝë÷÷ The Main Point of Dependency Theory and the Criticism about Its Points at Issue

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.129 ~ 153
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ÑÑå¹úÑ/Kim YH


As the dependency theorists approach the history and the actuality of their own nations through the subjective vision, the dependency theory is the self authority cited one which they think of the growth issue of their nations and definite the theory about it.
The point of an argument of the dependency theory is the one which the advocator for a modernization are finding the cause of underdevelopment of the third world in the inherent factor of it, while the dependency theorists are finding it from the external one.
The main stream theory insisting the western development theory insist the spread theory which they think to be able to modernize by the co-operation and the favor of the first world because the development of the third world is limited. But the dependency theorists insist that the Westernization of the third world make the dependence be deepen and emphasize that the spread theory is no more than a kind of an imperialism ideology supporting the economic order of an international capitalism. That is, the dependency theorists think the economic order of an internal capitalism to be at issue and like the socialistic system and they bring to a focus to an expansional attribute of capitalism and to the structural anyalysis of the society comforted by Marx¢¥s basic thoughts and the theory of imperialism.
The real precision or the conceptional clarity was ommitted to the various theories which the dependency theorists had analyzed and explained But it is undeniable that a few of the next points were much distributed to the development of the social science.
The first is the point which the dependency theory made an offer the self authority cited sight being- analysis a social phenomenon from a chief objective standpoint.
The second is the point that took a serious view of the outward factor about the underdevelopment in the third world which the advocator for spread in the first world neglected, and that came to light that the factor acted mutually with being in harmony with the inner factor structurally.
The third point is that the dependency theory asumed an escape from the dependency as the precondition of the third world development without the uniliner model in groping an alternative development of the third world, and that asumed the development plan being coincidence to the unique route of the third world.
When we think of a special circumstance in our devided Korea in spite of an dependency¢¥s dedication to a social-science, we must consider seriously about being acceptance of it. Because there included Marx-Leninite meaning to its notion of the radicalists, and insisted a radical means like a revolution of force as the method for an escape from the dependency, so it is anxious to be greatly abused in our society to accept it blindly or to discuss it uncritically.
Korea, our nation is the country which has grown rapidly as being assigned to the international capitalism-economic system on the contrary the insist that the third world is underdeveloped and is subordinate in relation with capitalistic center nation.
Therefore we get a conclusion that we must approach the dependency theory from a self authority cited.


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