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ÀÌ »óÈ­ÀÇ ½Ã ¿¬±¸ -Ç×ÀϽø¦ Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î A Study on Lee, Sang-hwa¢¥s Poetry

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.181 ~ 202
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À̺´¹®/Lee BM


The writer has viewed the poetic world of Lee Sang-hwa. He was a poet who was active in 1920¢¥s mainly. In those days modern poetry was beginning to develop. He was a national poet who wrote decadent-poetry at first and then proletarian-poetry and anti-Japanes-poetry afterwards.
He, like all poets at that time, addicted himself to gloomy emotion under the influence of sentiments from the failure of the Samil (1919) Indipendence movement, the signs of the end of romanticism and the melancholy of Russian literature. But as facing up to the dark reality as our nation was, he awoke inflexibly to the obvious consciousness of society and exhausitive consciousness of a nation from individual character of a noble-minded patriot and his family of distinguished lineage.
In those social consciousness and national consciousness. Lee Sang-hwa overcoming the sentiment, melancholy and frustration, thought much of a nation and love brothers increasingly by means of resistance, denunciation and struggle.
Hence he wrote anti-Japanese poetry that cristalized into thought of a nation and love of brothers.
There are fate, self-sufficiency, submission, idleness, happiness, death, a storm and so forth in his poetic diction quite often written. If he self-sufficed this miserable reality as fate, he would enjoy idleness and happiness in submission, if not, he would be prepared for death and a storm against submission.
Of course, how to look the relation between society and literature is a very important and difficult problem. But the relation was not to be neglected in those circumstances of hard realities like ours. When one has got miserable past as we have, how to love his native country and people is a very important problem.
Therefore it would be more valuable than any political or social activity that the man studying literature love his country and people through it.
Following those lesson, from Lee Sang-hwa, we should keep in mind a duty that we must purely love our nation and people at present time. The writer give high praise to Lee Sang-hwa who lived strongly in the unessiest times by colonialists of imperialistic Japan as in the past and to a national poet, himself, who loved his nation and people with all his soul. So the writer will love him and study his poem from this time forward as in the past.


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