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ãæñ§÷ïê¡ÔÑ¿¡ °üÇÑ æÚϼ A Study about the New Left Movement

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1986³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.231 ~ 253
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ÑÑå¹úÑ/Kim YH


Modern society has established high industrial one by the development of science and techique, while there came out a pathologic appearance by high level of systematization and complexity. Therefore, how to avoid such a danger for manlike living has appeared as a matter of an intellectual¢¥s concern today. Especially, this problem for a left intellectual becomes more important thing. Because they, as past history have proved, not only have experienced that a prophesy that non-class society which Marx had said would be introduced had gone astray, but Soviet¢¥s communism which was quite different from their ideals, they must have groped a new ideologygic tradition which unsettled western industrial community and Soviet¢¥s communism society at the same time.
This current has come out as a new left movement in the Western Europe and Japan, and like places including America from 1960¢¥s to early 1970¢¥s. That is, new left ideology unsettled all the Marxism of the Soviet and the capitalism of Europe and America, and criticized structural inconsistency of the modern richness society itself.
And it became a stepping-stone of anti-establishment movement attempting- reform of politic, social order with a radical action.
But the problem is that they forgot that such a new left¢¥s ideology had been formed by the pathologic phenomenon of high level industrial society and tried to introduce it to actuality of Korea. I think that is very dangerous thing. Especially, when we think that new left ideology gives a mystic attraction to the sensitive young students and the intellectuals without offering a recognizable image against new society, and when we saw that it let them taking radical action against the existing system and government, we can say that we are in need of having the right recognition and a critical eye for this.
This paper is aimed to the following points:
The first, generally I¢¥ll investigate a specific character of a radical ideology in the interrelationships of the various ideology. And the second, with the foundation of such a preliminary knowledge I¢¥ll study how- the radical nature of new left ideology was caused from the union of Marxism and Freudian psychology, and I¢¥ll make plain how the criticism about the early positivismsociology was. The third, I¢¥ll check up such a peculiarity of the radical movement in the side of comparison with the old leftism and in the side of an aspect of the movement deployment. The fourth. I¢¥d like to point out what the problem resulted from the radical nature of the movement is.


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