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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1987³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.59 ~ 66
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In order to investigate the effects cadmium nitrate on callus formation and organogenesis of tomato(Lycopersicon esculent um MILL.) hypocotyl segments, the seeds of four tomato cultivars (No. VT-hy-23, AhT§³, L-166-1, and ARC) were germinated by sand culture.
The hypocotyl segments incised from the seedling were cultured on MS media complemented with different concentrations of IAA, Kinetin and cadmium nitrate in growth chamber for 5 weeks (25¡É, under fluorescent light, 2001ux, 16hours photoperiod).
The results obtained are as follows :
1. VT-hy-23 and L-166-1 were more successful than others in callus formation and adventitous root formation respectively.
2. The callus formation was induced very well on the MS medium complemented with IAA 2(§·/§¤) and Kinetin 2(§·/§¤).
3. In low concentrations of cadmium nitrate, especially 10^(-10)-10^(-7)M promoted callus formation, while the high concentrations(beyond 10^(-6)M) inhibited it. Also 10^(-8)-10^(-4)M cadmium nitrate promoted organogenesis, while beyond 10^(-3)M cadmium nitrate inhibited it.


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