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Çѱ¹ °³È­±âÀÇ ¹®Çבּ¸ -¾Ö±¹°¡ÀÇ °¡»ç¸¦ Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î A Study on Literature of Korea¢¥s Enlightened Age

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1987³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.177 ~ 199
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À̺´¹®/Lee BM


We call nearly almost half a century from 1860¢¥s an enlightened age. During this period our country underwent a large number of change. A defiant new movement of enlightenment from politics and society to tradition and culture took charge of that tendency.
The Enlightenment, I think, awakened our deep sleep in the affirmative answer, yet damaged our valued tradition.
This writer examined patriotic anthems which had formed poems of an enlightenment age in the affirmative sides, being mindful of enlightenment literature that the movement had produced. There are words in a patriotic anthem reading as follows, "Sing a song! Sing a song! Sing a patriotic anthem!" The writer examined what contents and forms this anthem contains.
The words of a patriotic anthem, one of poems at the enlightened age, show a picture of this period and society as it is. Nowadays there is a patriotic anthem or a national anthem but it may be suitable to express it a national anthem. And a patriotic anthem may be a song of loving a country. As patriotic anthems are songs that love country and countrymen, in this study, the writer examined words of patriotic anthems, literature of enlightened age.
I think that the people who lived during the period of enlightened age had national consciousness and sovereign consciousness, and they tried to sublime the critical consciousness to the national consciousness.
For the national consciousness to the bone we may call the heart¢¥s desire for soverign independence, civilization and enlightenment, wealth and armament of a country. In addition to it, there is a love of a country, parents, the tae-guk flag, independence newspapers, the military, students and so on.
On the other hand, the historical place of Korean literature in which these words of patriotic anthems are lie in about the middle between the literature of Korean verse, the literature of the Yi dynasty period, and the literature of singing during 1900¢¥s. So the former, the literature of an old form of Korean verse, was less polished and reorganized in the form than the latter, the literature of singing. But those contents worked well enough to do their share: those accomplished their mission of an age. For those bore new sensibilities and new contens in all sides as literature.
From now. I¢¥d like to distinguish the literature of enlightened age from the modern literature.
And I want to collect patriotic anthems, singings and enlightened old form of Korean verse under the literature of enlightened age, and a new-style novel, a new-style poem under the modern literature as usual.Therefore, I think that we should establish the literature of enlightened age between the literature of the Yi dynasty period and the modern literature.


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